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Meet Your Reader:

David Merlino
After picking up his first deck of tarot cards when he was 16, David found the guidance of Tarot to be a helpful tool in navigating his life. He primarily used the cards for self guidance and after a few years, began doing readings for close friends and family.
When David was around the age of 25, he was out at a local bar. A woman came up to him and immediately said “You have gifts and you aren’t utilizing them.”. The woman was Lady D, an intuitive reader with whom David began learning from to further develop and hone his gifts.
7 years of introspection, learning, and spiritual growth followed before he decided to offer his skillset to everyone. It was when he was sipping on a martini during the Aquarius Full Moon of August 2020, that it clicked how serene martinis always made him feel and he decided to combine the "''tini" with the tool he uses to bring himself clarity .. Tarot. From that moment, 'tini Tarot was born.
David looks forward to reading you with straight up insights, compassion, and a splash of sass.
Photo by: @photosbyvictoriarae on Instagram
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